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Nov 1, 2016

Now That Halloween Is Over

Recently, Martha Stewart was making the rounds of TV talk shows to promote her creative ideas for Halloween decorating. She’s a whiz, using Styrofoam pieces, netting, cheesecloth and glow sticks to create creepy-crawly décor perfect for a ghoulish good time. When Halloween is over, however, how do you create storage for items that you’re sure […]
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online shopper

Oct 17, 2016

The Big Benefits of Online Shopping

Geared up for a shopping trip with the kids this weekend? According to the HowStuffWorks website, you may want to rethink your idea. Online shopping, especially for kids’ apparel, may be your best bet. The website also explains that one day of the week in particular is the best for online deals for children’s clothing—citing a […]
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fashionable kids

Oct 1, 2016

Fall Fashion Trends for Kids!

Trendy clothing is not just for women and men anymore. Fashionable clothing for children is more readily available than ever before, according to a multitude of magazines. Gone are the days when kids needed just jeans, a few T-shirts and tennis shoes to complete their wardrobes. As it turns out, kids like to look good, […]
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Sep 19, 2016

Get Your Style On for Fall!

There’s a crispness in the air, leaves are beginning to change and the summer sky is giving way to fluffy fall clouds. What does all of this mean? It’s time to conduct the semi-annual closet shift—swapping out the summer wardrobe for warmer fall/winter clothes. But don’t just trade one pile of clothes for another. Changing […]
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Aug 22, 2016

Back to School!

If you walk into nearly any store at this time of year, it’s hard to miss the telltale signs that kids will be back to school soon. Paper, pencils, folders and calculators seem to be everywhere, not to mention the stacks of shirts and jeans. Did you know that August is the second-largest sales month […]
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Get the Jump on Back-to-School Season

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Make an Impact on National Give Something Away Day

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Food Safety and the Summer Cookout

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Congrats to the Dads & Grads

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