Tales from the Closet


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Jul 23, 2024

Get the Jump on Back-to-School Season

For kids and the college-bound, the lazy days of summer will soon come to an end. School starts as early as mid-August in many parts of the United States, so it’s goodbye to campouts and cookouts and swimming pools and pickup games, and back to the books. Parents will want to take advantage of the […]
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Jul 9, 2024

Make an Impact on National Give Something Away Day

National Give Something Away Day — celebrated each year on July 15 — was created as a reminder for people to give back. How you choose to give can take multiple forms, but selfless acts are their own reward. Many people have much more than what’s necessary to survive, but know that there are people […]
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Jun 25, 2024

Food Safety and the Summer Cookout

Only a week in, this #summer is shaping up to be a hot one for much of the United States. It’s also prime time for family #cookouts, so the home chef would do well to review #food #safety practices for hot weather to head off any health issues that could ruin an otherwise festive event. […]
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Jun 11, 2024

Congrats to the Dads & Grads

June is the month of #dads and #grads. Different accomplishments, yes — but the two events can get you #celebrating all month long. Father’s Day is straightforward enough: You #thank dear old dad for helping raise the family. That may involve cooking a favorite meal, taking him to a game or concert, or any number […]
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May 28, 2024

In Search of a Clutter-Free Summer

Memorial Day — the unofficial start of summer— has come and gone. If you’re anything like us at The Organizing Blog, you probably used the long weekend to plant some flowers, take a bike ride, visit with friends and/or have a cookout. Fine pursuits! But do you know what can make one’s enjoyment of those […]
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Get the Jump on Back-to-School Season

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Make an Impact on National Give Something Away Day

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Food Safety and the Summer Cookout

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Congrats to the Dads & Grads

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