Tales from the Closet


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May 14, 2024

How to Organize a Great Garden

Your area has likely seen its final frost, and if you’re anything like the folks at The Organizing Blog, you’re just itching to start a garden — either to take advantage of delicious, healthy fresh produce at low prices or to improve the beauty of your home’s outdoor spaces. #Organizing your tools and planting supplies […]
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Apr 30, 2024

Use May Day to Create Work/Life Balance

May Day is a holiday that has multiple meanings. Rural pagan societies tied observances to agriculture as their newly-sown fields began to sprout. Children danced around a maypole, gathered wildflowers and crowned a May Queen to mark the midpoint of spring. As the labor movement began to makes strides in protecting workers’ rights in the […]
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Apr 16, 2024

Earth Day 2024 Focuses on Reducing Plastic Pollution

Earth Day is almost here! The annual celebration of the planet and its ecosystems reminds consumers that it’s everyone’s responsibility to protect the environment and  secure a sustainable and healthy future. The theme for Earth Day 2024 is Planet vs. Plastics. In order to protect human and planetary health, EarthDay.org is targeting a 60% reduction […]
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Apr 2, 2024

Viewing the 2024 Solar Eclipse Safely

A rare celestial event is coming April 8. The moon will pass between the earth and the sun, blocking light from reaching earth and producing a solar eclipse that will be visible from Arizona to Maine. It’s the second total solar eclipse that has been viewable in the U.S. in less than 10 years, and […]
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Mar 19, 2024

Make Spring a Time of Personal Renewal

Spring — at least in places with relatively well-defined seasons — is a time of renewal. In the northern climates, crocuses and daffodils are already popping up, the trees are budding, and birds are chirping. Warm weather won’t be far behind. As nature wakes from its winter slumber, people often start to emerge from their […]
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Get the Jump on Back-to-School Season

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Make an Impact on National Give Something Away Day

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Food Safety and the Summer Cookout

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Congrats to the Dads & Grads

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