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Oct 9, 2017

Winterize Your Home to Save on Utility Costs

As the days get shorter (and colder), it’s time to winterize your home to stay warm without spending a lot on utilities. Start by replacing furnace filters and reversing ceiling fans, Popular Mechanics says, to warm rooms more efficiently. Cut down on drafts by using draft snakes, window films or new windows, and your thermostat […]
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Sep 28, 2017

Chuck the Summer Clothing You Didn’t Wear

The first rule of switching your closets to the fall season? Chuck it if you don’t need it. “We [all] have clothes that we hold onto out of guilt, or habit, or hopefulness that we might wear them again,” author Erin Boyle told the the Sweethome blog. To cut down on that superfluous stuff, dedicate a […]
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Sep 27, 2017

How to Store Seasonal Clothing

Before storing summer clothes, be sure each garment is clean and free of stains. If not, wash or dry-clean anything you’ll want to wear next year. If you plan to hang stored clothing, use plastic or wood hangers that won’t rust. If you plan to fold and box items, invest in quality plastic storage bins […]
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Sep 26, 2017

Don’t Store Clothing You Should Donate

With temperatures cooling, it’s time to put away your light, breezy clothing and make room for sweaters, jackets and coats. First, take all of your summer clothing out of the closet and dressers to take stock. Sort it into categories, then sort each pile into the familiar “keep,” “donate” and “discard” piles. “If you didn’t […]
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Sep 25, 2017

Sort Your Clothes by Season

Sorting and storing clothing by season helps save space and can actually streamline one’s wardrobe, according to Apartment Therapy blogger Abby Stone. Since making a habit of going through her clothing regularly, she was able to keep only what works for a particular season on hand and at the ready, avoiding duplication and making it […]
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Get the Jump on Back-to-School Season

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Make an Impact on National Give Something Away Day

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Food Safety and the Summer Cookout

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Congrats to the Dads & Grads

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