Quick Tips


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Aug 16, 2017

Sell or Donate Extra Garage-Bound Goods

Once you’ve cleaned the garage, you might have a lot of stuff sitting in the driveway that you don’t need or want to put back on the shelves. Why not kill two birds with one stone? Put price tags on anything you don’t want and have a garage sale. At the end of the day, […]
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Aug 15, 2017

A Top-to-Bottom Scrubdown for the Garage

When was the last time you gave the garage a good cleaning? Chances are it’s been a while, and there’s no better time than the dead of summer. Pick a sunny day, and begin by taking everything out, Tidy.com says. Then, start at the top with the cobwebs on the ceiling and work your way […]
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Aug 3, 2017

Décor for the Fastidious Pet Parent

As a pet parent, your décor can affect how much dirt enters the home and stays, says Modern Dog. To keep dirt from getting in, use doormats and washable throw rugs at entrances to catch some of what those dirty paws track in; you can also keep a paw towel or footbath near the door […]
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Aug 2, 2017

Confine Dirt to the Litter Box

Even an “indoor” cat can make it difficult to keep the home clean and odor-free. The litter box can become a major source of dirt and odors if you aren’t careful. Make sure that you place your litter box in a place you can access frequently to keep it clean, says IHeartCats. Pick a litter […]
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Aug 1, 2017

Keeping Pet Hair Under Control

Excess hair in the home is always an issue for people with pets. Most cats have a lighter-than air undercoat that sheds and renews throughout the year, while dogs that shed often have heavy seasons dictated by outdoor temperatures, making summers a challenge. To keep the dander down, brush your animal companions on a weekly […]
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Get the Jump on Back-to-School Season

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Make an Impact on National Give Something Away Day

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Food Safety and the Summer Cookout

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Congrats to the Dads & Grads

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