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Jun 7, 2016


There are many ways you can help veterans this summer. You can donate clothes and other home goods to us. You can visit a wounded veteran in the hospital. You can deliver a meal to a veteran, or simply say, “Thank you.” Take a look at other ideas here. Green Gambling: Environmental Initiatives at Canadian […]
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Jun 7, 2016

Let the Summer Fun Begin!

Memorial Day weekend is often seen as the kickoff to summer. It’s a weekend where family and friends go camping, have cookouts and participate in other summer activities. Now that Memorial Day is behind us don’t forget that we should take time to thank and honor the men and women in the United States Armed […]
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May 23, 2016

Clean Screens = Clean Air!

With the windows open, it’s easy for dust to enter your home. Make sure to keep your window sills and screens clean and free of dust. Doing so will not only keep your home smelling fresh, but also improve the air quality in your home!
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May 23, 2016

Ready to ride?

‘Tis the season for family bike rides to grab some ice cream or some other quick treat. But, like anything else, kids outgrow bikes. When you bring home a new bike, we’ll gladly take the smaller, gently used bike off your hands. Your donation helps fund our veterans programs and will also brighten another child’s […]
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May 23, 2016

Gone fishing or golfing!

With the warmer, sunnier weather upon us, many of you have probably already hit the golf course or headed out to your favorite fishing spot. If your kids have outgrown their golf clubs, golf shoes or fishing gear, don’t throw them away or leave them to collect dust in your garage一donate them to us! Simply […]
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Get the Jump on Back-to-School Season

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Make an Impact on National Give Something Away Day

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Food Safety and the Summer Cookout

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Congrats to the Dads & Grads

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