Tales from the Closet


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cold weather, coffee

Oct 21, 2015

It’s Time to Winterize Your Closets!

It’s officially time to clear the last of your summer-to-fall transition clothing items out of your closet.  As we move deeper into fall and closer to winter, there is an unmistakable chill that’s set in, and it’s here to stay. When it comes to winter, many of us have different jackets and coats that are […]
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donation box full of fall and winter clothes

Oct 6, 2015

Calling all Ghosts and Goblins: Consider Donating To Us This Year!

Welcome to October, everyone! For many of you, the air is crisp and the leaves are changing and slowly falling to the ground, meaning fall is here to stay. One of the telltale signs of October is the abundant Halloween candy displays in grocery stores. Parents are out buying or making new Halloween costumes for […]
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Sep 24, 2015

Don’t Let Sports Season Derail Your Home’s Organization!

Now that it’s mid-September, the dust is finally settling as the new school year is well underway. Students are getting into the routine of waking up early, absorbing knowledge at school and then returning home to finish homework. For many students, though, the routine may be interrupted by the start of something else: sports season. […]
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a room full of clutter

Sep 8, 2015

Don’t Let the Clutter Take Control—Donate Your Items to Us!

We’ve all been there. We’ve all had one or two items that we don’t actually need but can’t bring ourselves to throw away. For some, these one or two items expand into three, ten or 25. Pretty soon you’ll have desk drawers, or even a closet,  devoted to these unneeded, yet strangely powerful things. This is […]
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Aug 25, 2015

It’s time to transition—goodbye, summer and hello, fall!

It seems like we were just having our garage sales and greeting our kids as they got off the bus, ready for summer. While some of us are scrambling to get in that last minute vacation, many children only have a few days left before a new school year is underway! Translation—fall is upon us. […]
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Get the Jump on Back-to-School Season

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Make an Impact on National Give Something Away Day

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Food Safety and the Summer Cookout

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Congrats to the Dads & Grads

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