Tales from the Closet


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Mar 21, 2017

Spring Is Here! It’s Time to Clean

  Spring has finally sprung! Yesterday—in the Northern Hemisphere, at least—the vernal equinox marked the point at which day and night last roughly 12 hours each, and also the beginning of the growing season. But spring has a more universal meaning for most busy households in the United States. Not only is it time to […]
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Clutter Zen

Mar 7, 2017

Give Up Clutter for Good

Just a week ago, New Orleans revelers celebrated Mardi Gras, tossing some 25 million pounds of beads. The following day—Ash Wednesday—marked the beginning of Lent, the annual religious observance that asks Christians to engage in six weeks of penance or self-denial by giving something up. Whether or not you’re a regular churchgoer, there’s one way […]
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Veteran sunset

Feb 21, 2017

A Few Things Donations Helped Fund

When you donate to ClothingDonations.org, you do more than get rid of unwanted stuff quickly and easily; you also help address the needs of the nation’s veterans. The Vietnam Veterans of America (VVA) uses proceeds from the resale of donated goods and other fundraising efforts to contribute to veterans’ programs of all kinds nationwide. For example, […]
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Feb 15, 2017

Thrifty, Belated Valentine’s Day Ideas

Still shopping for a (late) Valentine’s Day gift? There are lots of ways to save without looking cheap. If you’re buying flowers, the local supermarket often has blooms that are as good as any you can have delivered at a much cheaper price. Want to slash costs on dinner while keeping the romance alive? Stage […]
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Feb 14, 2017

Celebrate Valentine’s Day with Creativity

Everyone remembers making Valentine’s Day cards out of pink and red construction paper as kids, and you can keep crafting to add a little romance to your gifts and décor as an adult, Martha Stewart says. It’s easy to add cutout paper and felt hearts to windows, place settings, cards, wrapping paper, clothing and more. […]
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Get the Jump on Back-to-School Season

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Make an Impact on National Give Something Away Day

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Food Safety and the Summer Cookout

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Congrats to the Dads & Grads

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