Tales from the Closet


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holiday donation

Dec 5, 2016

Another Task for Your Holiday To-Do List

As the holidays kick off in earnest, you’ll have a host of tasks to deal with: Decking out your home, inside and outside, in a manner appropriate to the season. Buying gifts for the many family members, friends and colleagues on your list. Baking holiday cookies and other culinary delights. Somehow making time for that […]
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couple with shopping bags

Nov 21, 2016

Make Room for Your Black Friday Buys

Since the advent of the indoor mall, the day after Thanksgiving — Black Friday — has become a holiday unto itself. The overwhelming, all-American desire to get a good deal on holiday gifts has made the day a huge event for consumers. And retailers are only too happy to oblige, since many chains look to […]
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election buttons

Nov 7, 2016

Plot a Patriotic Election-Night Party

With the World Series over, the next big event on everyone’s mind is the 2016 election. While most people in the United States are sick of hearing the stump speeches and the sordid details, the presidential election has been driving news coverage for almost two years and will soon come to a dramatic end—and that’s an excuse […]
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Nov 1, 2016

Now That Halloween Is Over

Recently, Martha Stewart was making the rounds of TV talk shows to promote her creative ideas for Halloween decorating. She’s a whiz, using Styrofoam pieces, netting, cheesecloth and glow sticks to create creepy-crawly décor perfect for a ghoulish good time. When Halloween is over, however, how do you create storage for items that you’re sure […]
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online shopper

Oct 17, 2016

The Big Benefits of Online Shopping

Geared up for a shopping trip with the kids this weekend? According to the HowStuffWorks website, you may want to rethink your idea. Online shopping, especially for kids’ apparel, may be your best bet. The website also explains that one day of the week in particular is the best for online deals for children’s clothing—citing a […]
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Get the Jump on Back-to-School Season

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Make an Impact on National Give Something Away Day

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Food Safety and the Summer Cookout

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Congrats to the Dads & Grads

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