Quick Tips


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Jun 19, 2024

You May Need More Sunscreen Than You Think

#Sun protection isn’t rocket science. But many people don’t apply enough #sunscreen early or often enough. For the best results, one must apply ample amounts of sunscreen at least 15 minutes before exposure, using at least an ounce (about one shot glass) to cover the exposed areas of the adult body. “Most studies have shown that […]
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Jun 18, 2024

Use Sunscreens Effectively to Protect Your Skin

When purchasing #sunscreens, remember that the SPF indicates the product’s protection against a burn from UVB rays. SPF 15, for example, gives a person approximately 15 times the length of protection before burning — and that may represent only a matter of minutes depending on one’s complexion, age and other factors. UVA rays are also […]
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Jun 7, 2024

More Stuff Equals More Garage Sale Shoppers

A #garage sale is kind of a needle-in-a-haystack proposition for shoppers, so more #stuff tends to draw more people. If you have a ton of #merchandise to #declutter, you can go it alone with a sale, but if you don’t, “collaborate with friends and family,” says My Blessed Life. Create a bookkeeping system to divvy […]
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Jun 6, 2024

Goods That Will Make or Break Your Garage Sale

There are 12 categories of #garage-sale goods that “sell like hotcakes,” WiseBread says. Good quality, gently used #clothing; tools; furniture (especially bookcases or shelves); vintage dishes, glassware, and casseroles; garden tools; handbags; costume jewelry; games, toys, and bicycles; books; appliances; camping gear and other sporting goods; and exercise equipment. “Put pictures in your ad. Basic […]
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Jun 5, 2024

Price Garage Sale Goods to Move

Even if you’re looking to make #money on your old #stuff at a #garage sale, don’t get so caught up in the profit motive that forget why you’re selling that #junk — sorry, those treasures — in the first place. Everything must go if you want to clear the #clutter! “Focus on pricing to sell,” […]
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Get the Jump on Back-to-School Season

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Make an Impact on National Give Something Away Day

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Food Safety and the Summer Cookout

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Congrats to the Dads & Grads

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