Seek Protection From the Summer Sun

The longest day of the year may see you out enjoying the #summer #sun. While #sunlight triggers essential vitamin D production, UV rays can damage the skin. About 5 million people are treated for skin cancer each year in United States for skin cancer, the CDC says. To avoid becoming a statistic, Montclair State University offers several recommendations: Reduce #sun exposure “by seeking shade under an umbrella, tree, canopy or any other shade structure.” Plan outdoor activities for the early morning or late afternoon hours. Wear a wide-brimmed hat and long sleeves. And apply a broad-spectrum #sunscreen of SPF 15 or higher to all exposed areas. #SunProtection

You May Need More Sunscreen Than You Think

#Sun protection isn’t rocket science. But many people don’t apply enough #sunscreen early or often enough. For the best results, one must apply ample amounts of sunscreen at least 15 minutes before exposure, using at least an ounce (about one shot glass) to cover the exposed areas of the adult body. “Most studies have shown that individuals only apply half of the recommended amount, so applying sunscreen twice should be considered,” dermatologist Dr. Mariana Philips told the Virginia Tech News. “Also, sunscreens should be applied every two hours [during] sun exposure or following water immersion.” #SunProtection

Use Sunscreens Effectively to Protect Your Skin

When purchasing #sunscreens, remember that the SPF indicates the product’s protection against a burn from UVB rays. SPF 15, for example, gives a person approximately 15 times the length of protection before burning — and that may represent only a matter of minutes depending on one’s complexion, age and other factors. UVA rays are also damaging, so find products that contain titanium dioxide, zinc oxide, avobenzone, Mexoryl or Parsol 1789. Reapply sunscreens every two hours to maintain #sun protection, and be aware that perspiration, water and insect repellents can compromise their effectiveness. #SunProtection

Avoid the Risks of the Summer Sun

A perfect #summer shouldn’t have any mishaps, but the hottest and most active season of the year isn’t without its risks. Check the UV index and slather on the sunscreen before you go out in the sun, says MedStar Health. Light-colored, lightweight clothing can offer additional protection from the damaging rays, as will a wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses. Drink plenty of water and other fluids and keep a first aid kit at the ready. Be alert to signs of heat exhaustion such as muscle cramps, dizziness and nausea; be vigilant about water safety when visiting the pool or beach; and never, ever leave children and pets unattended in a vehicle. #PerfectSummer

Protect Yourself Against the Sun

If you plan to be in the sun this summer, take common-sense precautions to protect your skin against overexposure, Northwestern Medicine says. First, choose a sunscreen that has an SPF of at least 30 and UVA and UVB protection; apply it liberally to all exposed areas of the body. Then, wait 15 minutes for the sunscreen to be fully effective before exposing yourself to direct sunlight, and reapply it periodically according to the label instructions. Note that no sunscreen is truly waterproof, however. #SummerSafetyTips