The Origins of Memorial Day

#Memorial Day originated spontaneously in celebration of the end of the Civil War in the spring of 1865. The nation’s bloodiest conflict ever, the Civil War led to the establishment of the first national cemeteries, and tributes to the fallen soon followed. Waterloo, N.Y., is recognized as the official birthplace of the holiday, says, since it hosted the first communitywide event in 1866 and decorated the graves of soldiers with flowers and flags. Thanks to Gen. John A Logan, a veterans advocate, an annual commemoration — christened Decoration Day — was established in late May 1868. #MemorialDay

U.S. Presidents Aren’t Immune to Clutter

The holiday reserved to celebrate the birthdays of founding fathers George Washington and Abraham Lincoln is often recognized with sales on mattresses and other household goods. But U.S. presidents had a range of organizing habits, says Franklin Delano Roosevelt, for example, had bookshelves built into every available space in his “Little White House” in Warm Springs, Georgia. His successor, Harry S Truman, had a desk built of scrap wood from a White House renovation that had at least 10 drawers, but nonetheless attracted a lot of stacks of important paperwork. So if #clutter ever gets you down, remember that  it’s a problem even for the most powerful. #PresidentsDay

Start 2024 With a Decluttered Outlook

#Decluttering isn’t limited to only the things you have, according to The Simplicity Habit; you can also apply it to personal commitments, scheduling and overall outlook. You may already feel overwhelmed after a busy #holiday season, so now may be the time to eliminate a couple of social engagements or obligations and concentrate on personal growth. The emotional #clutter associated with negative thoughts, trauma and unrealistic expectations can bog you down, too, so “Go easy on yourself and be willing to forgive others. Remind yourself that no one is perfect and that your best is good enough.”

Organize and Store Your Holiday Decorations

#Holiday decorations are the first things you’ll want to sort and store when the calendar flips to the new year, says Organized Interiors. #Declutter any decorations that didn’t get used, tossing the broken and compromised ones and #donating those you just don’t like. And while you might feel sentimental about the holiday cards you received this year, there’s no reason to save them beyond the end of January. Take note of any updated address information on your phone or in a computer file and take a picture of the card if you want to preserve a particular memory. The rest can go into the recycling bin. #OrganizedNewYear

Try Buffet Style for Your Holiday Party

#Holiday parties benefit from a buffet, The Shop Edit says. Not only does it allow guests to get up and move around, you can offer customizable, do-it-yourself dinner selections such as a baked potato bar, leaving meal assembly up to guests and their tastes. Once dinner is cleared, you can set up a selection of desserts and have guests repeat the process until they are sated. Drinks can be batched, too, to make them no-fuss and self-service. Add disposable dinnerware, and cleanup will practically take care of itself — but you should enlist friends and family in the effort so that you can participate in the holiday festivities. #LastMinuteHolidayTips