The Ultimate No-Clutter November

With #Halloween in the rearview and temperatures dropping fast, it’s on to November and the #holidays. ’Tis the season that you’ll see more #stuff than ever, as you give and get gifts, bake up platters of cookies, prepare your home for guests, get the good China out and put up the decorations.

But November can also be a month of measured austerity. The Great American Smokeout happens mid-month every year, and No-Shave November encourages cancer prevention and awareness. But there’s an unofficial cause you can take up in the effort to lead a calmer, more stress-free life: #No-Clutter November.

You can start with décor items that don’t get used, Organize Your Stuff Now says. As you #decorate for the fall and winter #holidays, take a good look at the stuff that doesn’t make the cut. You don’t need to save that stuff for next year — you aren’t using it, so get rid of it now. When you pack the decorations away again in January, they will take a lot less space.

Chances are you’ll be spending more time in the kitchen, too, making cookies, a dish to pass or hosting a full feast yourself. As you prepare, have a box handy and throw any shabby kitchen towels, hot pads and oven mitts in it. Do the same as you go through your drawers and cabinets; there are probably utensils that you haven’t used in years.

It’s also a great time to assess your cold-weather #clothing, much of which you’ll be getting out for the first time in November. “We recommend people #declutter their collection of hats, scarves and gloves,” professional organizer Diane Quintana told Homes & Gardens. “Look at these items critically. If they are in good condition but [you don’t] want to use them anymore, release them so someone else can benefit from them.”

To attack No-Cutter November aggressively, First for Women suggests, eliminate one item on Nov. 1, two on Nov. 2 and so on. You’ll eventually have a pile of 465 items that you don’t want or use, and you can #trash, give away or #donate them to by arranging a #free #donation #pickup. By the end of the month, your home will be #decluttered and #streamlined — and you’ll be ready to meet the holidays head-on.

Look for Last-Minute Gifts at the Thrift

With only two days to go until #Christmas, you might want to check the options at a #thrift store supplied by generous #donations to if you’re short on #gifts. Not only do they offer plenty of lightly used goods at nice prices, you can often find unique #gifts that might be just right for a particular person on your list if you browse for a few minutes, no shipping required. And if you’re feeding a crowd over the weekend, you can get necessities such as linens, baking pans, serverware and other essentials for the holiday table — and maybe even the perfect ugly #holiday sweater or white elephant #gift. #HolidayTips

Three Shopping Days Until Christmas

With just three shopping days before #Christmas, it’s go time on the gifts you forgot to get or procrastinated on. Gift cards and cash are fine for a lot of people, but if you want to make it look like you gave a lot of thought to your giftee’s needs, your choices have now winnowed to Amazon, something digital or something sourced locally. Good Housekeeping suggests 55 good last-minute gifts — some of which deliver electronically and won’t create #clutter, and some of which will keep help everything clean, like an in-car vacuum. And subscription boxes for cheese, self-care, flowers or craft beet will keep giving throughout the year. #HolidayTips

Last-Minute Shopping After Dark

You may have to shop in the dark on the shortest day of the year in order to check everyone off your #list, but depending on what you want to buy, you won’t necessarily have to do it in person. Major retailers such as Amazon, Target and Macy’s can still deliver within three days, CBS News says, but today is the deadline for many shipments. You can always visit a physical store location for #last-minute convenience, or pick up a fistful of gift cards. Many mainstream #Christmas and #holiday traditions actually started as pagan winter solstice rituals, so you can also consider decorating an outdoor tree, lighting some luminaria or hanging some mistletoe, Mother suggests.

Go Digital for Last-Minute Gifts

Stuck for a last-minute #Christmas #gift? Go digital, says the Washington Post. While once seen as a lazy choice in gift-giving, digital options have been proliferated to the point where you can match a gift to everyone on your list. Pay for a niche streaming service; buy them an e-book, video game or mobile app; sponsor them for an online experience such as a cooking class or tarot card reading; or buy them a digital newsletter or magazine subscription. Not only do digital gifts take fewer resources to ship and deliver, the story says, they won’t add to the #clutter in one’s home. #HolidayTips