A #spring #scrubdown doesn’t have to be interpreted as #cleaning things and spaces only, Redbook says; you can also bring a sense of #cleansing and renewal other areas of your life. It’s a great time to start meditating, get things fixed, discard old paperwork, catch up on your sleep, and disconnect from devices or bad relationships. Of course, it’s a good time to evaluate your wardrobe for things you no longer wear don’t wear, too: “Haven’t worn it in a year? It’s time to #donate or sell it,” the story says. “Whatever you do, don’t toss apparel — old #clothing often ends up in landfills.”
Tag: cleaning the house
Don’t Put off Household Cleaning Chores
You’d think that the work-from-home revolution that launched alongside the #pandemic would inspire people to #clean more. But there are many household #cleaning chores people put off because they just don’t like to do them, says a survey released by homebuilder Lombardo Homes. No. 1 on the list is #cleaning the bathroom, followed closely by #washing dishes, doing laundry, cleaning the fridge and doing yardwork. While 85% of survey respondents admit they avoid doing chores they don’t like, the pandemic has made a majority “more diligent” about cleaning their homes.
It’s Time to Do a Deep-Cleaning
With the temperatures warming and trees budding, it’s time to do a deep #cleaning to keep your home #healthy and (relatively) allergen-free. If you have the time and equipment, you can do a #deep-clean in 10 days, Swirlster says. Dedicate the first two days to the living or family room, and start at the top by #dusting ceiling fans, light fixtures and vents. Proceed to dust/wipe down the walls and any pictures or decorations hanging there, as well as the blinds and drapes. Once the dust has settled (literally), wipe down the baseboards and all flat surfaces, then sweep, vacuum and mop.
Don’t Stress About Cleaning — Streamline Instead
Lots of people put off their household cleaning tasks because there are other, more fun things they could be doing. Chores are the work you do voluntarily, and they are often more fun to see completed than they are to do.
With busy schedules, it’s hard to find the time to clean, much less the motivation. But believe it or not, if you can make starting those chores less of an issue, completing them will come more easily.
You may find that cleaning is less of a burden if you put individual tasks on a schedule. This “makes sure that everything that needs cleaning gets cleaned,” Lifehacker says, [and] makes sure that you never tackle too much at one time and get overwhelmed.”
Another strategy is to clean in short bursts every day so that it seems like a routine part of the day rather than an exceptional burden. Dedicate 15-30 minutes to cleaning something — anything — every day, and eventually, everything will be spotless.
To prepare, assemble a complete selection of cleaning supplies for various areas of the home, along with sponges, rags, mops and other implements. Then put on some music or a podcast and begin, and cleaning will happen almost on autopilot.
Once you get into a rhythm, you may find you spend lots of your time moving stacks of papers, dusty knick-knacks and other stuff around in order to clean. That’s #clutter, and if you can get rid of it, household cleaning will become less strenuous.
Eliminate some of that clutter as you clean. Box important papers and put them in storage. Get rid of some tchotchkes you don’t really want to look at (or dust) every day. Fold the laundry, and set aside anything that no longer fits. Bag the castoffs and contact ClothingDonations.org for a pickup.
Without having to work around all that extra junk, cleaning will become easier. Sans clutter, many areas of the home will take less time to clean, and you’ll get more done in the time that you can dedicate to such chores.
When you see the results, you’ll no longer have the stress that a cluttered, messy and dirty home can produce. And knowing that a few minutes every day can leave your home consistently clean and tidy, you may even start to enjoy the chores!
Take Advantage of Kids’ Back-to-School Time
Many parents will be sending their kids off to school over the next two weeks, making for a bittersweet moment whether they’re heading to kindergarten or college. But what most parents don’t realize is that when summer ends and the offspring leave the house for at least part of the day, the demands on their own time will ease.
Without the kids constantly underfoot, needing rides or foraging for food, parents will have additional hours during the day to pursue their own career, learning and life goals. If you are in this situation and want to make the most of this newfound freedom, you’ll need to plot out a few projects for those extra hours.
Time management is the first step, Project Me says; without a plan, those extra kid-free hours will evaporate fast. Start by listing the things you would like to do with your extra time, such as going to the gym, starting a new work project or going back to school yourself. Identify your most important tasks, put them on a daily schedule and get started.
Decluttering is an excellent option, the site says. Step back and take an objective look at your space, create a plan of attack (doing one room at a time, for example, or targeting a number of bags and boxes to donate to ClothingDonations.org), and dive in. When each step in the task is complete, reward yourself! You’ll be much more likely to complete it if you have your eyes on a prize.
Back-to-school clutter likely needs organizing, says All Parenting’s “20 Things to Do When your Kids Go Back to School;” many areas may be cluttered with new clothing, backpacks and homework. Household cleaning tasks probably took a backseat to summer fun, too, so now’s the time to catch up on deep-cleaning the refrigerator, ceiling fans, baseboards, bathrooms and floors.
A digital decluttering can also help you get organized for the season ahead. Go through all of the summer photos on your phone(s) and camera(s); download them to a safe place and print the best ones out for framing and display. And while you’re at it, clean up your desktop and delete the mobile apps you haven’t used in months.
Whether you’re a stay-at-home parent or work full time, you’ll find that having the kids at school will free up a little bit of your time. Plan on making the most of it!