Observing Vietnam Veterans Day Safely

March 29 is National Vietnam War Veterans Day — an opportunity to remember the 9 million American men and women who served in active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces during U.S. involvement in Vietnam from Nov. 1, 1955 to May 7, 1975 — some 6 million of whom are living today.

The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and hundreds of partners will continue the special 50th anniversary commemoration of the Vietnam War that launched in 2012 this year. But due to the COVID-19 pandemic, VA recommends remembering veterans with socially distanced community activities from March 25 – March 29.

“This is an opportunity for all Americans to recognize and thank our Vietnam veterans and their families for their service and sacrifice during one of America’s longest wars,” the VA Blog says. “Outside of these dates, we should remember that we can always thank and welcome home Vietnam veterans any time of the year.”

While in-person events are challenging to stage safely, the VA invites well-wishers to reach out to Vietnam veterans who live in remote areas, are physically unable to attend commemorative events or are living in nursing homes with a thank-you card, call or Zoom conference.

Honor Flight organizations are working with VSOs to create Honor Parade routes in many communities. These outdoor events pass by veterans’ homes at a safe distance to protect them from the spread of the coronavirus. Vietnam Memorial walls will also appear in many locations — many of them supported by VVA chapters nationwide. Here’s a short list of commemorative events.

Hundreds of observances will take place, and the VA urges participants to celebrate and honor veterans safely. Many events get some funding from your generous donations of lightly used clothing and household goods to ClothingDonations.org.

So clean out a closet and #donate; call, text or write a veteran; or take part in a safe, socially distanced event to thank a Vietnam veteran for their service. They will appreciate the consideration on National Vietnam War Veterans Day — or any day of the year.

Start Storing Those Seasonal Items

Make some of your #spring #cleaning chores seasonal, The Spruce says, in order to get ready for warmer weather. Clean the grill, patio and garden furniture as soon as daytime temperatures warm up; also wash the windows to take advantage of sunnier days. You can also start sorting your heaviest sweaters, coats, flannel sheets and woolen blankets into #storage bins for next winter; you won’t need them in just a few weeks. If you find anything you just don’t want, donate it to ClothingDonations.org.

Sort and Declutter Winter Clothing Before You Store It

Winter clothing tends to accumulate over the years. If your closet needs a thorough #decluttering, says organization guru Ashley Joy Orfe, start by taking everything out of it. Sort it into “keep,” “donate” and “maybe” piles quickly, she says, “without second-guessing yourself.” Ask yourself a few hard questions such as “Do these even fit?” to eliminate all of the maybes, reorganize the keepers and put them back in your (now-spacious) closet. Anything that winds up in the “donate” pile can go into boxes and bags — and be picked up from your doorstep as part of a #donation to ClothingDonations.org.

How Your Clothing Donations Support Veterans

The Organizing Blog regularly informs readers about the benefits of #decluttering. But did you know that your #donations of lightly used clothing, kitchen items, small appliances and other household goods help fund thousands of veterans programs and initiatives nationwide?

When you contact ClothingDonations.org and make a donation, affiliates of the Vietnam Veterans Association (VVA) pick up that extra junk and resell it in bulk to qualified thrift and secondhand retailers throughout the country. It then takes the money and invests it in programs benefiting veterans and their communities at the local, state and national level.

VVA’s first priority is to help veterans access the healthcare and other benefits to which they are entitled after serving. Some two-thirds of all veterans never interact with the Veterans Administration, missing out on benefits they have earned, and VVA service officers help them navigate the often-confusing benefits claims process.

Funds from contributions also help VVA representatives lobby for and against legislation that would help or harm veterans. Last year, for example, the organization pushed for passage of the Blue Water Navy Act, which would extend healthcare benefits to Navy service members affected by toxic chemical exposures.

VVA offers numerous outreach programs to ensure that veterans are supported long after their service. These sections are targeted to groups such as POW/MIAs, homeless and incarcerated veterans, minority and women veterans, and veterans suffering from PTSD, substance abuse and Agent Orange exposure.

Your donations help VVA’s national membership of more than 70,000 at the local level, too. More than 650 chapters in the United States and its overseas territories use money earned through charitable donations to support college scholarships, help individual veterans facing sudden hardships, and participate in memorial observances.

When you #donate your extra stuff to ClothingDonations.org, it goes toward countless programs that help millions of veterans thrive and give back. We appreciate every bag and box, and thank you for your support!

Shed Pounds, Donate Clothes

If you’re like many Americans, you might have overindulged during the holiday season and may be toying with the idea of changing some aspect of your behavior by making a New Year’s resolution.

According to Inc., 2019’s top three resolutions are “diet or eat healthier,” exercise more,” and “lose weight.” Runners-up include “save more/spend less,” “quit smoking,” “read more,” and “find another job.”

Any of these resolutions on their own — or any combination of them — is difficult to keep. Most people start too-restrictive diets or overly ambitious workout schedules only to stick with them for just a few weeks.

To increase the likelihood of sticking to your resolution, document your goals, Forbes says. Understand why they’re important to you, and develop a strategy for attaining them. Set a reasonable time frame, and emphasize the progress you make over the minor setbacks that will undoubtedly occur.

If it’s weight loss you want, don’t think that you’ll shed 10 pounds every week. You won’t, feel bad about it, and stray further from your diet. If you want to get more exercise, start slowly so that you don’t hurt yourself and wind up spending more time on the couch recuperating.

Remember to give yourself a reward for reaching an event milestone — cheat a little after a month of dieting or get a massage after your first 5K run. Celebrating such successes can condition you to achieve more.

Healthy resolutions often include an appearance factor, such as fitting into a smaller size pant or dress. The Organizing Blog has a radical suggestion where this concept is concerned: If a garment doesn’t fit now — as you embark on your resolutions — get rid of it.

If you’re anything like us, you’ll find garments you’ve wanted to fit into and wear again that have languished in the back of the closet for years. Edit your wardrobe down to only the essentials that flatter your physique today — the stuff you really wear.

The clothes you’re trying to fit into again are holding you back. Not only do they not fit, but they also may not suit your current style. They represent the old you — not the new you, who sticks to resolutions. Pack them up and contact ClothingDonations.org for a pickup.

Besides, if your current go-to garments start fitting a bit loose in the months ahead, you can reward yourself with a small shopping spree. The new you will need a new look — and that simple reward will help keep you on track to accomplish even more.

Here’s to a happy, healthy 2019!