Take Organizing One Day at a Time – Starting Today

You may not be anticipating National Get Organized Day with the enthusiasm you might for a national #holiday such as Memorial Day or Thanksgiving, says Infotek Consulting, but getting #organized can actually you feel less stressed, more productive and happier overall. Start by #decluttering and #organizing a single drawer, shelf or closet today as the start of a new, #clutter-free you. #Set aside the #junk you don’t need for a #donation to ClothingDonations.org, then schedule a time to move on to another space. “Take it day by day, one room (or office drawer) at a time, and watch as you become more stress-free, productive and happier.” #NationalGetOrganizedDay

Celebrate National Get Organized Day

April 26 is a special holiday for The Organizing Blog — National Get Organized Day. The annual observance invites people nationwide to take stock of their #stuff, #declutter, and otherwise #organize and #streamline their lives. #Organization can take many forms, Days of the Year points out; you may choose to organize a physical space such as a #closet, filing cabinet or kitchen drawer, or you can organize a virtual space such as your e-mail inbox or digital pictures. You can also celebrate by creating daily habits that improve your organization over time: Create a to-do list, weekly meal plan or a “drop zone” where you put new stuff entering the house to make life less chaotic. #NationalGetOrganizedDay

Deep-Clean Your Kitchen for Fall Cooking

The first stop on a #fall #cleaning checklist is likely going to be the kitchen, which will see some heavy usage as the holidays approach. Start by #decluttering pantry items and countertops, says Unexpectedly Domestic; there are likely dozens of items you don’t need to sort through every time you cook something — including expired ingredients. Then move on to a deep-clean of the refrigerator (inside, outside and coils), the microwave, the dishwasher, and the oven and stovetop. For a fresh-smelling and sanitary environment, clean and #disinfect garbage cans and drains, and wipe down the walls with a mild cleansing solution to rid them of grease and dust. #FallCleaning

Tap Spring Fever for Spring Cleaning

Symptoms of #spring fever include the urge to exercise, eat light, sleep less and smile more, says Bustle. But the concept of spring #cleaning is so deeply embedded in the culture that it may be one of the earliest warning signs. Give in to the urge and scrub your house #clean of the dirt and grime that have accumulated over the winter. Many cleaning products will be on sale, and you can always look to The Organizing Blog for advice on making specific areas of the home such as the garage, bedrooms, kitchen and garden more #organized and clean. #SpringFever

Deep-Clean, Room by Room

With the #pandemic restricting social gatherings and the severe winter weather, many people have been spending a lot of time indoors — and it probably shows. To renew your space, give it a thorough cleaning. Good Housekeeping offers an “Ultimate Guide to Spring Cleaning” that can help with almost any household cleaning task, and its best suggestion is to go room by room. Start by refreshing a single, heavy-use room such as the living room or kitchen, and dust, wash, wipe and organize everything in it.