Embrace the Promise of Spring (and Spring Cleaning)

Spring is here! The days are getting longer, the trees are starting to bud and the birds are chirping. It’s the season of rebirth — the time of year when life reawakens from its frigid #winter slumber and starts anew.

It’s also an excellent time for people to revisit their goals and establish new habits for the year. Start with a check-in: Make notes on where you are mentally and where you’d like to be. What do you value most, and are you able to satisfy those needs?

Next, write down a few intentions. Maybe you want to exercise more, meditate or pursue a new hobby. Or maybe you have an attitudinal goal such as being more forgiving to yourself or more patient with family members. Whatever it is, jot it down and revisit it regularly.

Be Meditation suggests a “walking meditation” to review your intentions while enjoying the spring air. Find a quiet path where you can appreciate new growth and encourage it in yourself, deeply “breathing in your intention.”

If one of your intentions is to become more #organized (and whose isn’t?), spring is the time to reclaim your space and experience the rebirth of a #clean, #healthy and #clutter-free life. It’s just one part of the reason #spring cleaning is a perennial ritual in so many homes.

Research shows that a #cluttered environment produces a cluttered mind. “Our brains can only focus on a limited amount of stimuli at a time,” says VeryWellMind. “If you’re surrounded by #clutter, the clutter can actually make it harder for you to think clearly.”

The Organizing Blog is here to help. Whatever your intention — be it a single #clean #closet or a top-down spring #cleansing — we’ve got you covered. We want to help you make this the year you let go of clutter and blossom into a healthier, happier you.

As always, you can #donate any extra #junk to ClothingDonations.org to share your rebirth with #veterans nationwide. Embrace the promise of spring — and #declutter your environment and mind for a brighter future!

Marie Kondo’s Bombshell Announcement

It had nothing to do with a Chinese spy balloon or misplaced classified documents. The real bombshell of the last few weeks? That Marie #Kondo — the unrivaled evangelist of the power of #tidying up — has stopped trying to keep up with the #mess.

According to The Washington Post, Kondo’s capacity for #organizing and #cleaning diminished upon the birth of her third child. “My home is messy, but the way I am spending my time is the right way for me at this time at this stage of my life,” she said in a recent webinar.

She went on to admit that a perfectly organized home is not a realistic goal for most people. “I was a professional #tidier, so I did my best to keep my home tidy at all times,” she said. “I have kind of given up on that. Now, I realize what is important to me is enjoying spending time with my children at home.”

Instead of offering new strategies to obsessively #sort out your sock drawer, Kondo’s latest book explores the Japanese concept of #kurashi, or “way of life.” It’s a much broader strategy that focuses on bringing calmness and happiness to everyday existence.

She encourages readers to create a rhythm and routine based on what brings them joy, even if a few closets and countertops remain #cluttered. For Kondo, that routine includes fresh air, quality time with her kids and scrapbooking.

While actual #tidying takes a backseat, the book asks people to figure out which aspects of their lives need the most attention. Whatever needs a sort of macro-level #decluttering and #organizing is what you should concentrate on right now, in other words.

And there’s nothing wrong with that. Life happens, and you can’t spend every waking moment organizing your clothes closet by purpose and color. Take time to focus on whatever it is that brings you joy, be it career, a favorite hobby, or family and friends.

But when you feel the need to #declutter and #organize, remember that you can #donate any lightly used items to ClothingDonations.org. Get them out of the way of your personal kurashi by arranging a free #donation #pickup. Your donation will share joy with veterans nationwide.

So do as Marie Kondo says, and don’t obsess about #decluttering. Instead, make it a natural part of your routine.